Recipe from Pasta Plus!! //


Preparation - Medium
For lasagna, etc.

  • 2 T unsalted butter
  • 3 T flour
  • 1 1/2 cups milk heated
  • 1/8 t nutmeg
  • salt and freshly ground white pepper
OO 2 heavy saucepans, wooden (non-reactive) spoon.

  1. Heat milk the milk in a saucepan or in the microwave and keep hot.
  2. Melt the butter in a saucepan over very low heat till just bubbling.
  3. Remove from heat making sure butter does not turn brown or burn.
  4. Add the 1 tablespoon of flour, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon till smooth then add the rest of the flour and stir till smooth.
  5. Return to medium heat and add 1/4 cup of milk at a time. When milk is absorbed by the butter-flour mixture, add a little more increasing quantities as you go along.
  6. Add nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste and continue stirring with the sauce at a slow bubble till sauce has the consistency of heavy cream.
  7. Remove from heat.