PASTA PRIMAVERA with SPRING VEGETABLESPreparation - Easy Easy to make and tasty. It is also good cold, as a pasta salad.
MEANWHILE cook the carrots till just tender, drain and set aside (microwave, covered, with a bit of water for 2 1/2 minutes to steam them). COOK the peas till just tender, 30 seconds or so, then drain and add to carrots (you can also do these in the microwave). HEAT oil in a large pan over high heat. ADD the peperoncino, garlic, scallions, and the zucchini. REDUCE heat to medium. SAUTE stirring frequently with a wooden spoon till just tender and light gold in color. ADD carrots, peas, parsley, herbs, salt and pepper. SAUTE further for a minute or so. ADD the hot broth to the pan holding the vegetables. DRAIN the cooked pasta, reserving some of the cooking water. ADD the drained pasta to the pan. TOSS, mixing ingredients well. Allow to cool. REFRIGERATE or serve at room temperature. Holds overnight in refrigerator. Note: Microwaving carrots and peas is an easy way to cook them. You can use reserved pasta water instead of broth for a lighter taste. |