Venice - Veneto The word scampi originally comes from the Venetian dialect name for the type of shrimp that are found in the Adriatic sea near Venice. 1 lb very fresh shrimp BRING 2 quarts of water to boil. PLUNGE shrimp in boiling water and cook until they change color. Reserve a cup of the cooking water. Peel and devein shrimp. PUT 6 quarts salted water on to boil to cook the pasta. IN a pan large enough to hold the shrimp and the pasta, sautee the onion and garlic on medium heat until golden. ADD the shrimp, stir ADD the tomatoes, stir. ADD 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the reserved cooking water, or white wine, or fish broth. ADD salt and pepper to taste. SIMMER for 15 minutes. WHILE the sauce is simmering, about ten minutes before it has finished, put the pasta in the boiling pasta water, stirring occasionally to make sure that the pasta is completely covered and does not stick together. WHEN the pasta is 'al dente' - fish out a strand with a wooden fork and bite it, it should be resistent but not crunchy - drain. Do not blanche. Add pasta to sauce in pan, and stir well, coating the pasta. SERVE in cooking pan or in warmed serving bowl. GARNISH with parsley (otional). SERVE with Parmesan cheese (optional). Adapted from: |