Spaghetti con le zucchini in bianco
Preparation - Medium 1 1/2 lbs young tender zucchini, sliced in 1/4 inch thick rounds Place water on to boil. Note: In this dish, the melted butter, parsley, basil and cooked pasta are combined in the serving bowl - we do this by having a bowl which fits on top of the pot which the pasta is cooking in - the heat warms the bowl and melts the butter. Alternatively, warm your serving bowl and melt the butter over low heat, add to serving bowl. Add the parsley and the shredded basil. When cooked, add the pasta (reserve some of the water). Add the zucchini and toss well with freshly ground black pepper, salt (easy on the salt as zucchini has a light salty taste) and Parmesan. Add a tablespoon or two of reserved pasta water if too dry and toss further. Serve immediately onto warm plates. Garnish with sprigs of basil. Have grated Parmesan on the table. A tomato salad is a perfect accompaniment.
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